London unit test school: test libraries like a boss
In the previous article, we showcased two schools of writing unit tests named from two cities: London and Detroit. They differ in how big (or small) the unit is. Now it’s time to make a deep dive into the first of them. London school assumes that a unit is usually a single class, or a […]
Zip operator in reactive programming
Today we will see, how to use Zip operator in reactive programming. It is useful when writing microservices. Sometimes, we need to fetch some data from a group of services. Then, we wait for the requests to complete. Finally, we process the results. Making requests one by one would be very inefficient. However, Zip operator […]
Kotlin Native and Raspberry Pi: multiplatform projects
This article concludes the short series about using Kotlin Native for writing Raspberry Pi applications. So far, we have successfully created a sample IoT project in Gradle, and bound a C library into our codebase. Then, we used them to show some content on an SSD1306 monochrome display. Now it’s time to add a HTTP […]
Kotlin Native and Raspberry Pi pt. 2: SSD1306 display
Last week, we started building a Kotlin Native application running on Raspberry Pi. The first part focused on the hardware part and preparing a Gradle build script. Today we are ready to write some actual code. Our goal is programming a monochrome display with SSD1306 chipset to show simple graphics and text. We will learn […]
Kotlin Native and Raspberry Pi pt.1: build script
Kotlin is not only a JVM programming language. JetBrains also actively develops official Kotlin compilers that target JavaScript and native executables. Today we’re going to take a deep dive at the latter. Over the course of three articles, we will build a Kotlin Native application for Raspberry Pi that uses a small, monochrome SSD1306 OLED […]
Building a Kotlin DSL for your automatic tests
Two weeks ago, we entered the world of building domain specific languages in Kotlin. The previous article was rather theoretical. Now it’s time to put the theory into practice. We are going to build a Kotlin DSL for automated tests. The goal is better describing business use cases in the ‘given’ section. Also, why not […]
Build a successful Kotlin DSL for your business domain
Kotlin is a great language for building custom Domain Specific Languages (DSL). Thanks to many features, building a DSL in Kotlin is a piece of cake… is it? The language is just a tool, and it is not the only tool needed to build a successful DSL. In this introductory article, I’d like to show […]