How to share Gradle version catalogs between projects
Gradle version catalogs are a new feature of Gradle build system. They help managing dependency versions in the projects. In the previous article, we explored how to use them locally. This time, we are going to learn, how to share a single version catalog between many projects. This may be useful for teams that own […]
Kotlin ‘immutability’ is just an illusion
When I tried Kotlin for the first time, I quickly noticed the distinction between List<T> and MutableList<T> types in Kotlin collections API. I really liked it, until I discovered how it works. Then I tried to use some defensive programming techniques to prevent using certain implementations. It turned out that they also don’t fully work […]
Efficient test startup: Kotest + Micronaut + Testcontainers
A couple of months ago I published an article, where I showed how to bind Micronaut, Testcontainers and JUnit together. Recently, a new version of Micronaut arrived (3.5) that added the support for Kotest 5 framework. It targets Kotlin language. This is a great opportunity to get back to the topic and try out another […]
Update operators in MongoDB
MongoDB is a popular database choice for projects that need flexibility and good horizontal scaling. While newer versions support transactions, MongoDB still works the best without them. To achieve data consistency, we can use MongoDB update operators. They can make our writes much smarter, especially if we learn a couple of patterns. In this article, […]
Manage your dependencies with Gradle version catalogs
Since the very beginning, Gradle build system relied on Maven artifacts for managing dependencies and their versions. It was a good move from the adoption point of view (access to large library repositories). However, it also meant that for a long time, Gradle lacked a couple of very useful native features. A central place for […]
Continuous code review
Continuous code review is the name I gave to a set of improvements to the typical code review process in one of the teams I worked with. One day, we faced a small bottleneck. On one hand, we had a large amount of work to do. On the other, we had new developers who needed […]
Immutable classes in Java and Kotlin
If we write code that runs on more than one thread, sooner or later we meet the idea of immutable classes. The lack of ‘write’ functions makes them very useful in multi-threaded applications. In this article I’m going to show what immutable classes are in Java and Kotlin. We will also look at the practical […]